Is it possible to remotely access an EJB on a JBoss AS 4 from a JBoss AS 7 and vice versa (using EJB3)?
If so, how can I do it?
I am looking for any information about remoting between different JBoss Versions. There must be something on the web, but I'm struggling on finding the right search terms.
It's possible.
You have to create the remote interface and the bean on JBoss A4.
public interface JBossFourRemote{
int doSomething();
public JBossFourBean implements JBossFourRemote{
public int doSomething(){
return 1;
Deploy that, and then call the bean from the JBoss AS 7 client as follows.
public void someJBossSevenMethod(String args[]){
JBossFourRemote bean = (JBossFourRemote)new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/app/module/JBossFourBean!JBossFourRemote");