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MSBuild inline Task does not work (not caused by program logic)

I have created an inline Task which will return the latest two version-strings of a list of version-strings.


<UsingTask TaskName="GetLatestVersions" TaskFactory="CodeTaskFactory" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll">
        <AllVersions ParameterType="System.String" Required="true" />
        <CurrentVersion ParameterType="System.String" Output="true" />
        <LastVersion ParameterType="System.String" Output="true" />
        <Using Namespace="System" />
        <Code Type="Fragment" Language="cs">
        var currentVersion = "";
        var lastVersion = "";

        var compareWithCurrent = new Func<string, string, bool>((toCompare, with) =>
            var convertToIntArray = new Func<string, int[]>(version =>
                int mayor, minor, build, revision;
                var parts = version.Split('.');

                if (int.TryParse(parts[0], out mayor) &&
                    int.TryParse(parts[1], out minor) &&
                    int.TryParse(parts[2], out build) &&
                    int.TryParse(parts[3], out revision))
                    return new[] {mayor, minor, build, revision};
                return new[] {0, 0, 0, 0};

            var current = convertToIntArray(with);
            var toCompareArr = convertToIntArray(toCompare);

            return toCompareArr[0] > current[0] ||
                    toCompareArr[0] == current[0] && toCompareArr[1] > current[1] ||
                    toCompareArr[0] == current[0] && toCompareArr[1] == current[1] && toCompareArr[2] > current[2] ||
                    toCompareArr[0] == current[0] && toCompareArr[1] == current[1] && toCompareArr[2] == current[2] && toCompareArr[3] > current[3];


        foreach (var version in AllVersions.Replace("\\", "").Split(';'))
            if (compareWithCurrent(version, currentVersion))
                lastVersion = currentVersion;
                currentVersion = version;

        CurrentVersion = currentVersion;
        LastVersion = lastVersion;


    <GetLatestVersions AllVersions="@Versions">
        <Output PropertyName="CurrentVersionProperty" TaskParameter="CurrentVersion" />
        <Output PropertyName="LastVersionProperty" TaskParameter="LastVersion" />

@Versions contains a string like this (dumped via Message):


The variables CurrentVersionProperty and LastVersionProperty are both

What I tried

Normally you would say "The code inside the Task must be false" - thats what I expected.

I have created and debugged the following source code (Console Program) and the Codelogics seem to work well.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var versions =
             @" \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\";

        string current, last;
        GetLatestVersions(out current, out last, versions);


    public static void GetLatestVersions(out string CurrentVersion, out string LastVersion, string AllVersions)
        //EXACTLY the same code as in Task - omitted to save space

I have also tried changing Variablenames.

My Guesses:

The problem has to be somwhere inside MSBuild. Maybe there's a Problem with the Outparameters or what ever. I'd appreciate any help! Thank you.


  • Seems like a simple typo:

    <GetLatestVersions AllVersions="@Versions">

    should of course be a proper ItemGroup expansion so

    <GetLatestVersions AllVersions="@(Versions)">

    Instead of reinventing the wheel I'd also suggest you use the Version class since that already provides parsing/less than/greater than/... so your compareWithCurrent can be rewritten as

    var compareWithCurrent = new Func<string, string, bool>( ( toCompare, with ) =>
      return new Version( toCompare ) > new Version( with );
    } );

    Btw if I input;; into your code it tells me currentVersion is and lastVersion is Not exactly what I'd expect - then again, I'm not sure what the code is supposed to do exactly.