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Calabash test getting response 0 scenarios 0 steps 0m0.000s

I am new to android and calabash, trying to test the android app using Calabash . And I have followed this doc for the setting up. And my_first.feature file contains the sample code

Feature: Running a test

Scenario: Register
Given I am on the Welcome Screen
Then I touch "SKIP"
Then I wait
Then I should see Registration Screen

I have used the latest apk(buid after making changes within the .feature file) to run the test and for this I am getting the response

* features/support/env.rb


0 scenarios
0 steps

I did not make any changes apart from the my_first.features file content. It would be great if some body help me figure out the issue and fix it.


  • While running the Calabash test for the first time after creating the feature file the test should be run from the directory immediately above the features folder.