I'm following the tutorial:
I'm using STT API but I receive a STT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED error when I call create_stt_handle on Samsung Gear S2. Is this API supported on this device or there's something wrong in calling this function on a service service_app_control :
create_stt_handle() {
int ret;
ret = stt_create(&stt);
if (STT_ERROR_NONE != ret)
dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "create_stt_handle %#010x", ret);
dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "create_stt_handle STT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED");
void service_app_control(app_control_h app_control, void *data) {
// Todo: add your code here.
int error = register_accelerometer_callback(data);
//dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "after create %d", error);
Stt need two feature tizen.org/feature/speech.recognition and tizen.org/feature/microphone
You need to check supported feature by systemapi as below.
#include "system_info.h"
bool stt_supported = false;
bool mic_supported = false;
system_info_get_platform_bool("http://tizen.org/feature/speech.recognition", &stt_supported);
system_info_get_platform_bool("http://tizen.org/feature/microphone", &mic_supported);
dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "supported = %d, %d", stt_supported ,mic_supported );
Maybe it can not support stt_supported. Here is same question in tizen forum.