I've read this, this, and this, and none of the "solutions" worked for me.
I've restored MS Office Enterprise 2007 to default settings by running the Repair tool, via Control-Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> MS Office Enterprise 2007 -> Change.
Every time I open a new workbook and it has the default 3 worksheets, when I try and delete a worksheet (right-click -> DELETE), I get that dreaded "400" error within a "Visual Basic" dialog box.
I found by trial-and-error, the only way to delete a worksheet was to use the Delete Worksheet command from the Toolbar custom menus.
There is obviously a macro attached to the right-click delete option, but I don't know how to remove it!
There are some auto loaded files in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel
(and some other folders too) which doesn't get loaded in Excel Safe Mode (excel.exe /safe
You may want to list all the AddIns on the Excel onto ActiveSheet:
Option Explicit
Sub ListAddIns()
Dim oAddIn As AddIn, r As Long
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:F1") = Array("Name", "FullName", "IsInstalled", "IsOpen", "CLSID", "progID")
r = 2
For Each oAddIn In Application.AddIns
With oAddIn
Cells(r, "A").Value = .Name
Cells(r, "B").Value = .FullName
Cells(r, "C").Value = .Installed
Cells(r, "D").Value = .IsOpen
Cells(r, "E").Value = .CLSID
Cells(r, "F").Value = .progID
r = r + 1
End With
End Sub
and progID
can be helpful if the addin is part of a software package (search in Registry).