Let's say we have an IRC #ChannelName
at irc.server.com
where people can freely download files from the bots, by commands such as /msg BotName xdcc send #123
, and we want to download one such file into our /download/dir
. How to do it in a simple, wget/curl-like, command?
It may be more than one command, or a script, but bear in mind that I want to encapsulate this into a script so I can just type something along the lines of
irc-download.sh irc.server.com ChannelName BotName 123 /download/dir
Then wait a while, and have the file, like it was a wget download.
Good things to have in a solution:
I've looked high and low for a solution that is not super cumbersome (like installing Cygwin on Windows, come on, there are IRC clients coded in ~250 lines of C, you can even telnet this ****).
And while nobody has simply made a program that does this basic task on a protocol older than your grandma's swimsuits, turns out we live in a world where NodeJS is a thing that exists.
First, install these NPM packages (globally with -g
if you want):
npm install irc xdcc progress
Then, put this code in irc-download.js
var irc = require('xdcc').irc, ProgressBar = require('progress'), progress, arg = process.argv;
var user = 'user_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2), bar = 'Downloading... [:bar] :percent, :etas remaining';
var client = new irc.Client(arg[2], user, { channels: [ '#' + arg[3] ], userName: user, realName: user });
var last = 0, handle = received => { progress.tick(received - last); last = received; };
client.on('join', (channel, nick) => nick == user && client.getXdcc(arg[4], 'xdcc send #' + arg[5], arg[6]));
client.on('xdcc-connect', meta => progress = new ProgressBar(bar, {incomplete: ' ', total: meta.length, width: 40}));
client.on('xdcc-data', handle).on('xdcc-end', r => { handle(r); process.exit(); } ).on('error', m => console.error(m));
Then you can use basically the same command line I was going for in the question:
node irc-download.js irc.server.com ChannelName BotName 123 /download/dir
Javascript is like the Christopher Hitchens of programming or something.