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Python yield vs Ruby yield

In Ruby, the yield keyword is used to yield to closures for blocks of execution.

How does this keyword differ in the Python language?


  • In ruby, yield is a shortcut that is used to call an anonymous function. Ruby has a special syntax for passing an anonymous function to a method; the syntax is known as a block. Because the function has no name, you use the name yield to call the function:

    def do_stuff(val)
      puts "Started executing do_stuff"
      puts "Finshed executing do_stuff" 
    do_stuff(10) {|x| puts x+3} #<= This is a block, which is an anonymous function
                                #that is passed as an additional argument to the 
                                #method do_stuff
    Started executing do_stuff
    Finshed executing do_stuff

    In python, when you see yield inside a function definition, that means that the function is a generator. A generator is a special type of function that can be stopped mid execution and restarted. Here's an example:

    def do_stuff(val):
        print("Started execution of do_stuff()")
        yield val + 3
        print("Line after 'yield val + 3'")
        yield val + 4
        print("Line after 'yield val + 4'")
        print("Finished executing do_stuff()")
    my_gen = do_stuff(10)
    val = next(my_gen)    
    print("--received {} from generator".format(val))


    Started execution of do_stuff()
    --received 13 from generator

    More code:

    val = next(my_gen)    
    print("--received {} from generator".format(val))


    Line after 'yield val + 3'
    --received 14 from generator

    From the output, you can see that yield causes a result to be returned; then execution is immediately halted. When you call next() again on the generator, execution continues until the next yield statement is encountered, which returns a value, then execution halts again.