I'm working on installation package of an application with a few additional ones, required for it to work. Here's a structure I have so far:
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Bundle ...>
<BootstrapperApplicationRef ... />
<MsiPackage ... />
<ExePackage ... />
<MsiPackage ... />
I need to create a few directories for one of the applications (these directories won't be used upon installation). But I have no idea how to accomplish this.
I've found a lot of examples of creating directories under <Product>
section. But when I use <Directory>
tag inside <Bundle>
, it says, that: "The Bundle element contains an unexpected child element 'Directory'".
I'm new to this tool and might be missing some basic concept. Can anyone help me understand where am I wrong?
Bundles install packages and packages are what update the machine. So to create directories, do so in the application package.