I have a problem with Node-RRED on CentOS7. I tried it on different machines, and followed the instructions on the webside. That brings me to the point, that the error is on my side.
This are the steps I followed:
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | bash -
yum -y install nodejs
yum install gcc-c++ make
npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
After the start the console is standing on this line, as example
25 Feb 22:51:10 - [info] Server now running at
In the documentation there should be more.I also tried with different browsers on this server address without success.
So what did I miss?
Node-RED has started correctly, the next step is to connect to the Node-RED console by pointing your browser at port 1880 on the machine.
The flow file name includes the name of the machine Node-RED is running on so in the example the machine name inst noltop
, where as your machine is called sampleserver.sampledomain.com
Given that you say you have a minimal install (which doesn't have Web browser or X iirc) you will probably need to use a different machine to view the console.