I'm trying to check if a node is located into another one : for example a balloon in a big rectangle which is moving. If the balloon is no more in the rectangle, I'd like the balloon to disappear.
I've tried with the did begin contact function but it doesn't work.
Thanks for Your help
Given 2 SKSpriteNode(s)
with the same parent
let spriteA = SKSpriteNode()
let spriteB = SKSpriteNode()
let parent = SKNode()
we can check if the position
point of spriteA
is within the frame (bounding box) of spriteB
with this line
CGRectContainsPoint(spriteB.frame, spriteA.position)
Alternatively we can also check for intersection between the bounding boxes of the sprites writing
CGRectIntersectsRect(spriteA.frame, spriteB.frame)
Now let's consider this scenario
let spriteA = SKSpriteNode()
let spriteB = SKSpriteNode()
let scene = SKScene()
let parent = SKNode()
To check whether spriteA.position
is inside the spriteB.frame
, first of all we must convert the spriteA.position
to the spriteB
coordinates system.
let spriteAPositionWithSpriteBCoordindates = spriteA.convertPoint(spriteA.position, toNode: spriteB)
Now we can call the CGRectContainsPoint
CGRectContainsPoint(spriteB.frame, spriteAPositionWithSpriteBCoordindates)