In a module development (webtv) I am providing a generic block that can be configured for its contents (playlists). On the configure form there is a list of added contents (playlists) along with links "add new playlist" and "edit" existing one placed next to each entry. As the block configuration path is: "admin/build/block/configure/[my_module_name]/[block_delta]".
And I am expecting to add/edit playlist form on a separate page and should be accessible on: admin/build/block/configure/[my_module_name]/[block_delta]/playlist/add and admin/build/block/configure/[my_module_name]/[block_delta]/playlist/[playlist_id]/edit
For this I added two entries in hook_menu with page callback as drupal_get_form and page argument as form defining function.
After clearing cache and running cron, links does not server playlist add/edit page but redirects to block configure page.
What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to extend block configure page into sub pages?
The maximum allowed menu parts in a drupal(6) URL are limited to 7. In my problem I have quoted paths with 8 and 9 parts that was the issue.
In Drupal 7 the limit is expanded to 9.
It can manually be changed in the file drupal/includes/
as define('MENU_MAX_PARTS', 12);