I develops Ruby on Rails application and now looking for workflow gem that allows configure states without any programming.
I found some gems: rails_workflow, state_machine, workflow.
But as I understood, these gems assumes that states will be hard-coded, eg workflow gem states:
class Article
include Workflow
workflow do
state :new do
event :submit, :transitions_to => :awaiting_review
state :awaiting_review do
event :review, :transitions_to => :being_reviewed
state :being_reviewed do
event :accept, :transitions_to => :accepted
event :reject, :transitions_to => :rejected
state :accepted
state :rejected
I need that my application users states could configure states and transitions conditions theyself, without developer.
Redmine already has this feature, but it's ready system, not gem that I can connect to my application
Are there any gems with such features?
I devised the following solution from my comment earlier. Use the gem state_machine
, and then you can define the transitions of your state machine using ActiveRecord like this:
Define a Transition model with columns, 'to', 'from' and 'on'. They all will have string
as their data-type.
The states will be defined as follows:
Transition.create(:from => "parked", :to => "idling", :on => "ignite")
After this you need to modify your transitions method as follows:
def transitions
transitions_data = []
Transition.all.each do |transition|
transitions_data << { transition.from.to_sym => transition.to.to_sym, :on => transition.on.to_sym }
Obviously if you have more than one machine you can have some other column like 'machine_name' and store the machine name there and fetch only those rows.
As the original person who answered this said "This is just one example, and could be much further optimized. I'll leave that part to you. Hopefully this will give you a good start."
I hope this points you in the correct direction.
SO and state_machine Gem