I was researching Brandon W's "fake" application for the ti-84 to see how it worked. (http://brandonw.net/calculators/fake/) While looking through the code I noticed many labels and jump instructions that I didn't understand. I would like to learn how he is using these dollar signs and jumps. My questions are asked in the following code snippet: (All code is from Brandon W's open source fake application!)
xor a
ld (de),a
$$: ld a,(MenuCurrent) ;How is this label two dollar signs? What does this mean?
cp 02h
jr nz,$F ;Are we jumping to the instruction at 0xF or to one of these dollar sign labels?
ld hl,sFakeAppVar
rst 20h
B_CALL ChkFindSym
jr c,$F ;If we are jumping to 0xF, what are the dollar signs used for?
ld a,b
or a
jr nz,$F
inc de
inc de
ld a,(de)
cp 25h
jr z,ignoreAppsKeys
cp 26h
jr z,ignoreAppsKeys
cp 27h
jr z,ignoreAppsKeys
$$: pop af ;Here's another
ld b,a
ld a,(cxCurApp)
cp 45h
jr nz,$F
ld a,b
cp kCapS
jr nz,$F
From what I have researched, the dollar sign is used when signifying hex or the current location counter. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Any help would be much appreciated!
The $ sign has several uses. Most Z80 assemblers use $ as prefix for hexadecimal numbers, like in this case:
jr z, $2A
These assemblers also use $ to represent the location were present line of code will be in the binary. This is useful to create constants to represent code locations, like in this case:
value_to_jump = $+1
jr $10
In this case, 'value_to_jump' is a constant that will hold the address where $10 is stored (jr $10 is 2-bytes long, so $+1 points to the second of these bytes).
Finally, some assemblers let you create anonymuos labels, like $$ or @@. This is the case you are seeing here. In this code:
jr $f
jr $b
Jump instructions mean "closest forward" or "closest backwards", referring to the anonymous labels.