I have a webserver. I have really only ever needed N domainnames to point to that particular root, but now that i have started to expand, I wanted to sort of partition my webserver for different names. This is an example of what i want.
Domain Names:
alpha.com -> /var/www/
What i want all within the same server:
alpha.com -> /var/www/alpha/
bravo.com -> /var/www/bravo/
charlie.com -> /var/www/charlie/
then alpha/. would be the new root. That way the user will not see any fancy URL designs.
It will keep me with 1 server, but separate out the roots of the different components. I WAS just spinning up a new server over and over for different domain names, but i figured some things which are static could just all be lumped together since the sum processing power of them all is next to nothing.
I knew that if i go to namecheap/other and say:
alpha.com ->
it will then say something in the url similar to: alpha.com/alpha/
which i dont want.
Goal that i have been stumped over: making a,b,c looking like different servers while actually maintaining 1 server with different root nodes
The following explains how to use lighttpd to set up virtual hosting for your servers.
Following it, it is very straight forward and already have tested it out.