I'm currently working on some code for one of my classes which is shown right here (changed names/addresses to hide names).
# coding=utf:8
#————————————————————————Attendance Checker Start————————————————————————#
import bluetooth
import time
#-----Function Definition Start-----#
def student_check(index):
result = bluetooth.lookup_name(blue_address_list[index], timeout=1)
if (result is not None):
return True
return False
#-----Function Definition End-----#
#————————Defined Dictionary Start————————#
blue_student_list = ['Name1', 'Name2', 'Name3', 'Name4',
'Name5', 'Name6', 'Name7', 'Name8',
blue_address_list = ['Address1', 'Address2', 'Address3', 'Address4', 'Address5', 'Address6', 'Address7', 'Address8', 'Address9']
#—————————Defined Dictionary End—————————#
#———————————————Print Method Start———————————————#
print ' '
print 'Checking who is here on ' + time.strftime('%b %d, %Y', time.gmtime())
print ' '
for i in range(0, len(blue_address_list)):
if (student_check(i)):
print blue_student_list[i] + ': Present '
print blue_student_list[i] + ': Absent '
print 'Script Completed'
#————————————————Print Method End————————————————#
#—————————————————————————Attendance Checker End—————————————————————————#
My issue is when the script starts, I get this output.
Checking who is here on Feb 24, 2016
Name1: Present
Name2: Absent
Name3: Absent
Name4: Absent
Name5: Absent
Name6: Absent
Name7: Absent
Name8: Absent
Name9: Absent
Script Completed
My issue with this is not them being absent. I have another device paired under Name7 that says absent no matter what. I believe it actually checks on the first one and fails the rest once one goes absent. The reason I think this is because they all go absent at the exact same time, it doesn't have any delay unlike the first which has a delay when checking for the nearby device.
returns the internal size in bytes for the given object, not the number of items. I think you should use len(blue_address_list)
instead of it.
Edit: increasing timeout will solve problem, seems bluetooth.lookup_name
can not respond on given time.