I try to get just 1 item out of a database to which the current user doesn't has access to
I tried :
var db:NotesDatabase = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase("","somedir/somedatabase.nsf");
var somedata= (@Unique(@DbLookup(db,"viewname","searchkey",2)));
this only seems to work when the user does have access. What is the best way of dooing this ?
I think your problem is the use of @DBLookup
because the first parameter of @DBLookup must be a string and not an object of type NotesDatabase
Instead of @DBLookup try this, it should work:
var db:NotesDatabase = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase("","somedir/somedatabase.nsf");
var notesView:NotesView = db.getView(viewname);
var dc:NotesDocumentCollection = notesView.getAllDocumentsByKey(searchkey, true);
I hope this helps :)