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Error for MultiSelect selection on .GetOpenFileName on VBA

I've created a Userform on excel 2010 VBA (7.0) which will transfer a file selected by the user via the .GetOpenFileName property. The file paths of the selected files are then inserted into the ListBox

My issue is at the moment I am trying to use a MultiSelect, however when I give .GetOpenFileName the Multiselect property to send the file paths to my ListBox (which is Multiline enabled) I am presented with a type mismatch error shown for the GetOpenFileName line of code. Code sample is below:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click ()
Dim strFilePath As String

StrFilePath = Application.GetOpenFilename (,,,, MultiSelect:= True)
If strFilePath = "False" Then Exit Sub

FilesFrom.Value = strFilePath

End Sub

FilesFrom being the listbox I want the filepaths to go into. I have the code working to allow the user to select a single file and transfer that but it won't allow me to populate this listbox with multiple filepaths.

Any ideas on how I can allow the user to select multiple files and insert the file paths into the listbox named FilesFrom?


  • The problem is that the MultiSelect returns an Array.

    The code below should be exactly what you want. It caters for Multi or Single Selection.

     Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
          'GetOpenFile MultiSelect will return an Array if more than one is selected
          Dim FilePathArray As Variant
          FilePathArray = Application.GetOpenFilename(, , , , MultiSelect:=True)
          If IsArray(FilePathArray) Then
               Dim ArraySize As Long
               ArraySize = UBound(FilePathArray, 1) - LBound(FilePathArray, 1) + 1
               Dim ArrayPosition As Long
               For ArrayPosition = 1 To ArraySize
                    If Not FilePathArray(ArrayPosition) = Empty Then
                    'Replace "UserForm1" with the name of your Userform
                    UserForm1.FilesFrom.AddItem (FilePathArray(ArrayPosition))
                    End If
               Next ArrayPosition
          ElseIf FilePathArray <> False Then
               'Replace "UserForm1" with the name of your Userform
               UserForm1.FilesFrom.AddItem (FilePathArray)
          End If
     End Sub