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how to divide NSMutableArray array into two seperate arrays or two mutable arrays in objective C, iOS

I have an nsmutable array with 4 I want to divide that objects into two arrays(or two mutable arrays) based on a condition.

for  (NSDictionary *final in SectorsArray)
    FinalFlightData *ffd = [FinalFlightData new];
    ffd.flightnumber = [final objectForKey:@"FLI_NUM"];
    ffd.airlineCode = [final objectForKey:@"ARL_COD"];

    ffd.departureAirport = [final objectForKey:@"DepartureAirport"];
    ffd.departureDay = [final objectForKey:@"DepartureDay"];
    ffd.departureDate = [final objectForKey:@"DepartureDate"];
    ffd.departureTime = [final objectForKey:@"DepartureTime"];

    ffd.arrivalAirport = [final objectForKey:@"ArrivalAirport"];
    ffd.arrivalDay = [final objectForKey:@"ArrivalDay"];
    ffd.arrivalDate = [final objectForKey:@"ArrivalDate"];
    ffd.arrivalTime = [final objectForKey:@"ArrivalTime"];

    [testingArray addObject:ffd];

so this testing nsmutable array has four I want to like this.

OutboundArray = [NSMutableArray array];
InboundArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSString *myString;

if([myString isEqualtoString:@"false"])
  //in here I want to put first two objects of testingArray into OutboundArray and last two objects of testingArray into InboundArray


else if([myString isEqualtoString:@"true"])
  //in here I want to put first three objects of testingArray into OutboundArray and last object of testingArray into InboundArray
  //in here I want to put first  object of testingArray into OutboundArray and last three objects of testingArray into InboundArray

how can I do this.hope your help.thanx


  • Use this code :

    if (testingArray.count >= 3)
        if([myString isEqualToString:@"false"])
            //in here I want to put first two objects of testingArray into OutboundArray and last two objects of testingArray into InboundArray
            [OutboundArray addObjectsFromArray:[testingArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 2)]];
            [InboundArray addObjectsFromArray:[testingArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(testingArray.count - 2, 2)]];
        else if([myString isEqualToString:@"true"])
            //in here I want to put first three objects of testingArray into OutboundArray and last object of testingArray into InboundArray
            [OutboundArray addObjectsFromArray:[testingArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 3)]];
            [InboundArray addObject:testingArray.lastObject];
            //in here I want to put first  object of testingArray into OutboundArray and last three objects of testingArray into InboundArray
            [OutboundArray addObject:testingArray.firstObject];
            [InboundArray addObjectsFromArray:[testingArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(testingArray.count - 3, 3)]];
    else if (testingArray.count == 2)
        [OutboundArray addObject:testingArray.firstObject];
        [InboundArray addObject:testingArray.lastObject];
