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Does kurento support safari and ie?

I have googled some questions like this link1 or this link2 and it seems from this answers that kurento and webrtc doesn't support safari and ie. But I've heard from one person in skype ( this contact is already lost so can't ask any details now), I've heard that last versions support it using flash. So I am confused.Do last versions support kurento and webrtc? I am a little bit more confused as I found this link


  • No, Kurento does not support IE, Safari browsers or any browser which does not have webRTC support.

    Although, for IE and Safari there exists a workaround.
    Using the Temasys webRTC plugin as given here and updating kurento-utils.js with the changes to work with IE/ Safari, you can have IE and Safari support for your web application that uses Kurento media server 6.2.

    You may refer this thread on kurento's google group for more help.

    I could have mentioned all the steps here again but that will be redundant since they are mentioned in above link.

    Please feel free to write in case you need exact steps.