I am trying to read a CSV and Ruby stops reading once it encounters an arrow in CSV. The arrow is supposed to be apostrophe. I can't replace it in CSV because when I copy and paste, I paste a space.
I tried to use CSV.foreach or File.open, then read each_line. Both methods have the same problem.
The character is SUB in black in text editor.
How shall I solve this problem?
CSV.foreach(filename) do |row|
puts row
File.open(filename, "r") do |f|
f.each_line do |row|
puts row
If your file isn't encoded the way Ruby expects by default, you need to specify the encoding manually when you call foreach
, which would look like this:
CSV.foreach(filename, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8)
If you're not sure how the file is encoded, you can use String#encode
as a pretty heavy hammer to clean it out, though you'll lose some characters in the process.
undef: :replace,
invalid: :replace,
replace: ''
This says if the character is undefined or invalid, replace it, and replace it with an empty string. Of course, you can tweak options to get the result you'd like.