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submitForm() not defined for myfaces.JSF_JS_MODE 'minimal-modern'

I tried to set up a simple JSF 2.2 application using MyFaces 2.2.8. Since MyFaces has some context parameters that I never used before, I tried to get familiar with those.

So I got to use org.apache.myfaces.JSF_JS_MODE for the first time and ran into problems with h:commandLink. The commandLink is trying to call myfaces.oam.submitForm() which is not defined if I set the mode to minimal-modern. If I set the mode to minimal or normal it works.

From reading some internet articles I assume this is a bug because submitForm is neither part of jsf-legacy.js nor jsf-i18n.js nor jsf-experimental.js and it apparently is needed by h:commandLink. Also the source code comment of org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.ResourceUtils.markScriptAsRendered(FacesContext, String, String) tells me

oamSubmit script is included inside jsf.js


public static void markScriptAsRendered(FacesContext facesContext, String libraryName, String resourceName)
            libraryName != null ? libraryName+'/'+resourceName : resourceName, Boolean.TRUE);
    if (JAVAX_FACES_LIBRARY_NAME.equals(libraryName) &&
        // If we are calling this method, it is expected myfaces core is being used as runtime and note
        // oamSubmit script is included inside jsf.js, so mark this one too.

What am I missing here? Thanks in advance!


  • I can confirm it is a bug. Solved in MYFACES-4034 for 2.2.10