I'm currently writing an application in which I deserialize relatively large objects (which can also grow in size, depending on what the user adds to them). I don't want to load all of them into RAM since that might cause problems when there are many of them.
Anyway, I want to handle events raised by the loaded instance of that class if there is one which is already my problem.
How can I subscribe an event handler to an object that is still null?
I think of something like "if there is an object and it raises that event handle it with that method".
Here is some sample code and the only approach I could think of though I already thought it couldn't work..
public class MyClassA
public event EventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string someProperty
public string SomeProperty
someProperty = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public static MyClassA Load(string path)
public class MyClassB
public MyClassA InstanceOfA { get; private set; }
public MyClassB
//InstanceOfA.PropertyChanged += MyEventHandler; Not working, NullReference
// Handle InstanceOfA.PropertyChanged here...
public void MyEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
Of course you cannot subscribe an event handler to an object that is still null,but you can subscribe when you assign a non null value to it.
Just use a property and a backing field:
public class MyClassB
private MyClassA myVar;
public MyClassA InstanceOfA
get { return myVar; }
private set
myVar = value;
if (myVar != null)
myVar.PropertyChanged += MyEventHandler;
public void MyEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)