I have made a md-grid-list with md-grid-tiles, and I want to make each one a link. I tried wrapping each tile in a md-button but this makes the element disappear.
It doesn't have to be an md-button, it could be a simple anchor tag, but I can't seem to resolve this either way.
Any help would be appreciated.
My code:
<img class="crest" src="img/afc-bournemouth.png">
<md-grid-tile-footer layout-align="center center">Bournemouth</md-grid-tile-footer>
Why not doing this:
<a class="md-grid-tile" href="http://google.com" target="_blank">
<img class="crest" src="img/afc-bournemouth.png" />
<md-grid-tile-footer layout-align="enter center">Bournemouth</md-grid-tile-footer>