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c# Enumerable.Sum Method doesn't support ulong type

For c# Enumerable.Sum<TSource> Method (IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Int64>) doesn't support ulong type as the return type of the Mehtonf unless I cast ulong to long.

public class A
  public ulong id {get;set;}


publec Class B
    public void SomeMethod(IList<A> listOfA)
        ulong result = listofA.Sum(A => A.Id);

The compliler would throw two errors:

  1. enter image description here
  2. enter image description here

    unless i do

ulong result = (ulong)listOfA.Sum(A => (long)A.Id)

Is there anyway to solve that without casting? Thanks!


  • You could use Aggregate instead:

    ulong result = listOfULongs.Aggregate((a,c) => a + c);

    Or in your specific case:

    ulong result = listOfA.Aggregate(0UL, (a,c) => a + c.Id);

    You should also consider if you really should be using an unsigned value type in the first place.