I have a map with some features, but I want to shoe them depending on al field.
May be
if [fieldname] = 0 --> color = RED else --> color = blue
Could anyone give a clue where to start?
Searching at leaflet documentation I managed to program
function getColor(d) {
return d = 0 ? '#3182bd' :
d = 1 ? '#31a354' :
function style(feature) {
return {
fillColor: getColor(feature.properties.*fieldname*),
But I'm not sure how to integer it, if I'm on the way or there's something easier with gvnix
Thanks all Javier
In your gvNIX view you can customize the symbol used to draw a geometry using the attribute fnAjustRender
of entity-field
tagx. Using this method you must declare a script
in .jspx page and register it in the attribute.
By example, in show.jspx entity fied definition you should change:
<layer:entity-field clusterize="false"
fnAjustRender="myJSFunction" .... z="user-managed"/>
Then create a myJSFunction
in jspx like this:
function myJSFunction(gvmap, layerId, fieldName,
featurePk, leafletLayer, featureData, isSelected) {
var iconColor = "white";
if (featureData.propName == 1) {
iconColor = "red";
} else {
iconColor = "blue";
var iconMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({
"icon" : icon,
"prefix" : prefix,
"markerColor" : markerColor,
"iconColor" : iconColor
return leafletLayer;
Warning: no tested code
Good luck!