I try to implement function that takes list of atoms and returns only sub part of given list. Sub part is everything after particular token. I try to use call-with-current-continuation
for that purpose.
Here is my approach:
(define rest
(lambda (a lat)
(lambda (res)
(letrec ((r (lambda (l)
((null? l) ())
((eq? (car l) a) (res (cdr l)))
(else (r (cdr l)))))))
(r lat))))))
as you can see I try to pass data to continuation
((eq? (car l) a) (res (cdr l)))
but I always get back ()
using this approach. But if I hard-coded values like this ((eq? (car l) a) (apple tea)
it works fine.
I am really stuck and I need help.
EDIT: I've found solution instead of (res (cdr l))
I have to pass (res (r (cdr l)))
Also real mistake was not with how I call continuation
, but with (else (r (cdr l)))))))
I should write as:
(else (cons (car l)
(r (cdr l))))))))
Your code works fine in MIT-Scheme 9.2:
MIT/GNU Scheme running under OS X
Type `^C' (control-C) followed by `H' to obtain information about interrupts.
Copyright (C) 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
Image saved on Wednesday February 24, 2016 at 8:07:52 PM
Release 9.2 || Microcode 15.3 || Runtime 15.7 || SF 4.41 || LIAR/C 4.118 || Edwin 3.116
1 ]=> (define rest
(lambda (a lat)
(lambda (res)
(letrec ((r (lambda (l)
((null? l) ())
((eq? (car l) a) (res (cdr l)))
(else (r (cdr l)))))))
(r lat))))))
;Value: rest
1 ]=> (rest 'c '(a b c d))
;Value 2: (d)
1 ]=> (rest 'c '(a b c d e))
;Value 3: (d e)
1 ]=> (rest 'c ())
;Value: ()
My best guess is that you're working with objects where eq?
is the inappropriate comparison procedure.
FWIW, here's a shorter implementation:
(define (rest a lat)
(lambda (res)
(let r ((l lat))
(if (null? l)
((if (eq? (car l) a) res r) (cdr l)))))))