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How can I install PHP extension libsodium in Wampserver?

I am trying to install the Libsodium PHP extension using PECL, but I have no idea how to get the dll files needed. I want to use it with Wampserver on Windows 7 (64-bit).

Can any one help me?


  • Here is How I did it.

    1. Download the libsodium from here > For PHP 7.0, For PHP 5.6 And For PHP 5.5 (All x64). #One Important Note, Please download appropriate x86-32 bit or x64-64 bit of this extension matching of your environment from here
    2. Extract the Downloaded file and copy libsodium.dll to wamp->bin->php->php5(x).x.xx Folder
    3. Copy php_libsodium.dll From the extracted File to wamp->bin->php->php5(x).x.xx ->ext
    4. Now Click on the WAMP System tray icon. enter image description here
    5. Go to PHP-> PHP Settings and Click on the enable dl from the menu of the WampManager from the system tray
    6. Now Add bellow line to php.ini from PHP -> php.ini from the menu of Wampmanager, save and close it


    1. Now Restart Apache or click Restart All Services from the menu of WampManager

    You should now get your php_libsodium in the extensions of the php Up and Running. :)

    **I didn't notice that, this question is 4 months old. I hope You have solved this.