I've made some CSS modifications to it already and now I need to make one programming modification. I'm a C# guy so this PHP is throwing me a little curve ball.
Here is the part I would like to modify:
<li class="row">
<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_prepend -->
<dl class="icon {forumrow.FORUM_IMG_STYLE}">
<dt title="{forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}">
<!-- IF forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE --><div class="forum-image">{forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="icon-link"></a>
<!-- IF .forumrow.subforum and forumrow.S_LIST_SUBFORUMS -->
<div class="dropdown-container dropdown-button-control">
<span title="{forumrow.L_SUBFORUM_STR}" class="dropdown-trigger"></span>
<div class="dropdown hidden">
<div class="dropdown-contents">
<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforums_before -->
<!-- BEGIN subforum -->
<a href="{forumrow.subforum.U_SUBFORUM}" class="subforum<!-- IF forumrow.subforum.S_UNREAD --> unread<!-- ELSE --> read<!-- ENDIF -->" title="<!-- IF forumrow.subforum.UNREAD -->{L_UNREAD_POSTS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_UNREAD_POSTS}<!-- ENDIF -->">{forumrow.subforum.SUBFORUM_NAME}</a>
<!-- END subforum -->
<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforums_after -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<div class="list-inner">
<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>
<span class="forum-description">{forumrow.FORUM_DESC}</span>
<!-- IF forumrow.MODERATORS -->
<!--<br /><span class="forum-moderators"><strong>{forumrow.L_MODERATOR_STR}{L_COLON}</strong> {forumrow.MODERATORS}</span>-->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF forumrow.CLICKS -->
<dd class="redirect"><span>{L_REDIRECTS}{L_COLON} {forumrow.CLICKS}</span></dd>
<!-- ELSEIF not forumrow.S_IS_LINK -->
<dd class="forum-stats<!-- IF forumrow.S_UNREAD_FORUM --> unread<!-- ENDIF -->"><span>
<!-- IF forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME -->(<dfn>{L_TOPICS}{L_COLON}</dfn> {forumrow.TOPICS} | <dfn>{L_POSTS}{L_COLON}</dfn>{forumrow.POSTS})
<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{forumrow.U_LAST_POST}" title="<!-- IF forumrow.S_UNREAD_FORUM -->{L_UNREAD_POSTS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_UNREAD_POSTS}<!-- ENDIF -->">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF --><!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_POSTS}<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_post_title_prepend -->
<dd class="mcp-status"><span>
<!-- IF forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS -->
<a href="{forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS}">{UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_append -->
I would like if the "row"
is clicked for it to take you to the forum. Right now only if the title/header is clicked will it take you to the forum.
Which I believe is this line:
<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="icon-link"></a>
Here is a demo of how the default template works:
The only difference I have made from the demo is those forum "blocks"
are now changed to take up 100% width
instead of 33.3%
. I'd like it so if you click anywhere on the forum "block/row" it takes you to the forum.
This cannot be achieved with PHP. It could be achieved with a small JavaScript snippet on the front end.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function(){
$("li.row").click( function(){
var anchor = $(this).find("a:first");
anchor.trigger("click"); // OR
window.location = anchor.attr("href");
What this does is attaches an event handler to any clicks on li.row
. It finds the link within and either triggers click to it, or uses its href
property to change browser window location URL.
This requires a JavaScript library called jQuery which appears to already be in use on your demo template. The code block above would need to be included BELOW the <script>
include tag for jQuery.