Recently, I made an attempt to integrate loss less data compression to my game engine for loading assets; but this simple compression example does not seem to work correctly. Any suggestions ? Here is my code :
const char *srcData = "Hi ! This is a really really really long test string !";
const int dstBufferSize = LZ4_compressBound(sizeof(srcData));
char *dstData = new char[dstBufferSize];
int bytesPassed = LZ4_compress_default(srcData, dstData,
dstBufferSize); // compress data
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << dstData << std::endl; // print compressed data
delete[] dstData;
This is the output. Obviously, you can see it's wrong (part of the string is missing) :
[2016-02-24 15:56:47.986366] [0x00000b0c] [info] @Hi !═══════════════²²²²À▀WÏÇ0
EDIT When decompressing data, only the 'Hi' part is appearing : the rest are random characters/ no characters
EDIT 2 After Simon's suggestion, I changed the code; but after decompressing the code; i only get Hi ! (nothing after it); Here is the updated code :
const char *srcData = "Hi ! This is a really really really long test string !";
const int dstBufferSize = LZ4_compressBound(strlen(srcData) + 1);
char *dstData = new char[dstBufferSize];
int bytesPassed = LZ4_compress_default(srcData, dstData,
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << dstData << std::endl;
std::ofstream fWriter("test.bin", std::ofstream::binary);
fWriter << dstData;
char* decStr = new char[strlen(srcData) + 1];
LZ4_decompress_fast(dstData, decStr, strlen(srcData) + 1);
std::cout << decStr << std::endl; // only Hi appearing
delete[] dstData;
You are using sizeof(srcData)
which will give you the size of the pointer and not of the data it points to.
You should use strlen(srcData)+1
instead (+1 for the \0
Or use std::string
and std::string::size()
(Also with +1 for the null terminator).