Let's say I have a method that looks something like this:
public void x(Entity entity) {
// do something
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(new Event1());
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(new Event2());
is using a transaction manager of type org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager
. What I want to do is to make sure that the sending of Event1
and Event2
only happens if myRepository.save(entity)
is successful. Does RabbitTransactionManager help here or do I have to implement this myself (for example using a TransactionSynchronizationManager)?
What calls x()
If it's a RabbitMQ listener container thread after receiving some message from rabbit, add the JpaTransactionManager to the container and the rabbit transaction will be synchronized for you.
If it's some arbitrary thread then you'll need to start a rabbit transaction before calling x and commit it afterwards.
In either case, your rabbit channel needs to be transactional.