I want to make it so I have "enemies" spawn in the background (not THE background, just images on top of it) of a particular webpage at random heights and scroll across the screen. Right now I have something like:
function numberRandomizer(){
var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 500) + 300); //random number between 300 and 800
return x;
I've tried 2 methods to applying this random variable X to the images that loop by scrolling on screen:
1) Doing what I thought would work and editing each image to get a random value for top and left
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="numberRandomizer()"><img src="/aboutme/enemy.png" width="120" height="80" top="numberRandomizer()" left="numberRandomizer()"/><p></marquee>
2) Even though as far as I know it would make all enemies have the same position, try out CSS styling to make the placement random just to see if it would work:
img {
top: numberRandomizer();
left: numberRandomizer();
Neither style works in setting a random value for the image location, am I getting a minor thing wrong or going about this completely the wrong way?
As a bonus question: Is it possible to set marquee to go a random direction per image?
You can make the same thing using plain javascript too
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" id="elem">Test</marquee>
<button id="butR">Right</button>
<button id="butL">Left</button>
<div class="area">
<div id="enemy"></div>
document.getElementById('butR').addEventListener("click", function(){
document.getElementById('elem').setAttribute("direction", "right");
document.getElementById('butL').addEventListener("click", function(){
document.getElementById('elem').setAttribute("direction", "left");
function numberRandomizer(){
var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 250) + 50); //random number between 50 and 300
return x;
document.getElementById('enemy').style.top = numberRandomizer() + 'px';
document.getElementById('enemy').style.left = numberRandomizer() + 'px';
I've added also a way to change marque direction. Take a look at this fiddle: