I am very new to AWS/Elastic Beanstalk/RDS but I can't figure out why I am unable to connect to my Postgres DB via Postico.
As far as I can tell, I am entering the correct credentials found under "Environment Properties" in the AWS dashboard.
When I run psql
statements from the terminal (ssh'd in here as "ec2-user@ip-*****") it says "command not found". But my site is actually up and working. And according to the RDS tab on AWS it is definitely using Postgres.
When I try and connect using Postico (not via SSH), it just hangs for ages and then times out. No error! I'm using the same user, password, and host names stored in the "Environment Properties". I'm even using port 5432.
What can I try?
yum install postgresql
psql -h postgres-db.ba2syxhcyfxx.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com -p 5678 -U myuser
Where "myuser" is the user you wish to attach as