I have a report and I added 2 more parameters - @FreeMealsIndicator and @Bursary in addition to 3 existing ones.
Now, If I select all values for the @FreeMealsIndicator, report looks fine but when I do same for @Bursary I see a blank report.
I am trying to run the query in backend and see data as below:
FreeMealsIndicator Bursary
16-19 year old learner is eligible NULL
NULL 16-19 Bursary Fund - learner awarded
14-15 year old learner is eligible NULL
16-19 year old learner is eligible NULL
NULL 16-19 Bursary Fund - learner awarded
14-15 year old learner is eligible NULL
14-15 year old learner is eligible NULL
NULL 16-19 Bursary Fund - learner awarded
NULL 19+ Hardship
NULL 20+ Childcare
Any idea why this happens and how can I avoid this?
I think I solved this issue now. I created a dataset using 2 parameters and using specify values(from backend) in parameter properties and report is running fine.