My app has one NSTableView on the left (master) and text fields on the right (details)
I use core data & binding to get the records displayed.
I have a text file that is bind with NSObjectController. It is a date field, and I have added NSDateFormatter in the text field.
My goal: to have a placeholder on that text field with the user system default date format. And I have achieved that with the following code
.h code: (only the relevant code is posted)
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSDateFormatter *offerExpiresOnDateFormatter;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *offerExpiresOnDateTextField;
and the .m code:
-(void)viewWillAppear {
[_offerExpiresOnDateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];
[_offerExpiresOnDateTextField setPlaceholderString:[_offerExpiresOnDateFormatter dateFormat]];
All this works.
My problem:
It works only when applications load (because I use viewWillAppear).
Placeholder is displayed in dd/mm/yy format, my system default format. However, if I click in empty rows in NSTableView, my placeholder disappears and "No Selection" placeholder is displayed.
How can I prevent this?
How can I display my dd/mm/yy placeholder when user click on empty row in NSTableView?
I can't just type dd/mm/yy in the NSTextField No Selection Placeholder under binding inspector, since i don't know what the user will have as system default.
Don't bind the value in the XIB, bind it manually with options.
[self.offerExpiresOnDateTextField bind:NSValueBinding