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Run shell command when render is complete (After Effects)

is there a way to programmatically run a shell command after a render has completed in Adobe After effects?


  • Execute a command line from After Effects

    You can execute a command line with the sysmte.callSystem(cmdLineToExecute) function. Go see the After Effects Scripting Guide page 180 section System callSystem() method.

    Here is an exemple whith a echo command : (callSystemreturns the command line return's) :

    var commandOutput = system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c echo hi ");

    This will output


    What is after /c is the command to execute in the cmd.

    A more complex exemple from the scripting guide which get the system time :

    var timeStr = system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c \"time /t\"");
    alert("Current time is " + timeStr);

    This will output

    Curent time is 11:28

    Open a command line from After Effects

    Now if you are looking to open a command line in another window, you have to set the cmdLineToExecute as if you were in a command line.

    On windows, if you want to open a command line in another window, you have to do this :

    start cmd.exe

    So if you want to do it from After

    system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe ");

    Open a command line when the render is done in After Effects

    This is a mix with @fabiantheblind's answer.

    // Create a comp with a solid
    var comp = app.project.items.addComp('test', 100, 100, 1, 1, 12);
    comp.layers.addSolid([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'solid', 100, 100, 1, 1);
    // Add the comp to the render queue
    var rq_item = app.project.renderQueue.items.add(comp);
    rq_item.outputModule(1).file = File('~/Desktop/');
    rq_item.render = true;
    // Set a function which will be called every frame when the comp will be rendering
    // A boolean to be sure that the function called at the end is called once
    var called = false;
    rq_item.onStatusChanged = function() {
      while (rq_item.status === RQItemStatus.RENDERING) {
        // Is rendering...
      // When the render is finished
      if (!called && rq_item.status === RQItemStatus.DONE) {
        called = true;
        system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe ");
    // Launch the render
    // If something goes wrong
    app.onError = function(err) {
      $.writeln('ERROR ' + err);