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Main stage is getting closed whenever the report stage is getting closed

In my javafx application i am using DynamicReports which is free and open source Java reporting tool. In my code from a buttons event i am calling on a method to show the report:

report1.setOnAction(event -> {




And this is the method:

public void getSupplierListReport()

        report =;

        try {
            //show the report

                            Columns.column("First Name", "f_name", DataTypes.stringType()),
                            Columns.column("Last Name", "l_name", DataTypes.stringType()),
                            Columns.column("Email", "email", DataTypes.stringType())

                    .title(//title of the report
                            Components.text("Supplier List Report")
                    .pageFooter(Components.pageXofY().setStyle(boldCenteredStyle))//show page number on the page footer
                    .setDataSource("SELECT f_name, l_name, email FROM suppliers", connection)
            //export the report to a pdf file
            report.toPdf(new FileOutputStream("d:/report.pdf"));

        } catch (DRException e) {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {


The report is generating properly and there is no error. The think is when i am closing the main window the report window is not getting cold which is ok but whenever i am closing the report window its closing the whole application!!! may be somehow the dynamic reporting tools closing function is triggering to close the whole application. how to overcome the problem??


  • it seems like if i pass the parameter false in show method it won't close the application.
