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Is a singleton controller possible in JavaFX(ML)?

I tried to implement a controller with the singleton pattern like described a couple of times on the web.

However I cant get the application to run because of the following exception.

java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil can not access a member of class testapp.Controller with modifiers "private"

I guess thats because the constructor is declared private. I dont see what I am doing wrong at this point.

In case I wasn't clear what my problem is I will describe the use case of what I am going to do.

Inside the start(Stage stage) function afaik is the only place the onclose event can be defined(please correct me if I am wrong). On closing the window some clean-up operations need to be exectued. These operation are inside the controller which I cant get access of in the start() function. Therefore the idea was to build the controller as a singleton to keep one single instance alive and provide acces to the main class.

The Link Creating a Singleton Controller class in JavaFX advised by sillyfly seems not to be a possible sollution for me bacause the controller is passed to a model class not the main class. Also the model constructor is called manually which is not the case I am dealing with.


  • To solve your problem you have two possibilities. Either you provide an instance of your singleton controller to the FXML loader which you have instantiated yourself or you provide the FXML loader with a controller factory which knows how to instantiate your controller.