This is my function where I have written the select query
function userList($name,$logged_id,$friendlist)
$this->db->select("concat((mu.first_name),(' '),(mu.last_name)) AS full_name,mu.user_id,user_type",FALSE);
$this->db->from("mst_users as mu");
$this->db->where("user_status", "1");
$this->db->where('user_id !=', $logged_id,false);
$this->db->where("email_verified", "1");
$this->db->where("mu.first_name LIKE '%$name%'");
$this->db->or_where("mu.last_name LIKE '%$name%'");
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
This is my function call from the controller
function userList(){
$arr_friend=array(127, 139, 138);
$user_list = $this->search_model->userList(a,137,$arr_friend);
This is the out put of the query.This out is wrong.
full_name user_id user_type
Grace 1 2
admina 126 3
hancy 127 1
vaibhavaaa 132 1
arjun 137 1
ashish 138 3
sofia 139 1
emma 140 3
vaibhav 147 3
ashish 148 1
I want the record only for 127, 139, 138 these Id
full_name user_id user_type
hancy 127 1
ashish 138 3
sofia 139 1
this because you use where_or in wrong way, replace this:
$this->db->where("mu.first_name LIKE '%$name%'");
$this->db->or_where("mu.last_name LIKE '%$name%'");
$this->db->where("(mu.first_name LIKE '%$name%'", FALSE);
$this->db->or_where("mu.last_name LIKE '%$name%')", NULL, FALSE);