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How to indicate a parameter that "include trait" in PHPDoc

Recently I ran into an interesting situation when implementing a PHP application using PhpStorm. The following code snippet illustrates the problem.

    interface I{
        function foo();

    trait T{
         * @return string
        public function getTraitMsg()
            return "I am a trait";

    class A implements I{
        use T;
        function foo(){}

    class C implements I{
        use T;
        function foo(){}

    class B {
         * @param I $input <===Is there anyway to specify that $input use T? 
        public function doSomethingCool($input){ //An instance of "A" or "C"
           $msg = $input -> getTraitMsg();  //Phpstorm freaks out here

My question is in the comment. How do I indicate that $input parameter implements I and uses T?


  • It's a lit bit hackly, but you can use class_uses it returns list of used traits. And add T as a @param type in PHPDoc for autocomplete

    class B {
         * @param I|T $input <===Is there anyway to specify that $input use T?
        public function doSomethingCool($input){ //An instance of "A" or "C"
            $uses = class_uses(get_class($input));
            if (!empty($uses['T'])) {
                echo $input->getTraitMsg();  //Phpstorm freaks out here