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Apache Camel: output route message to AMQP

I am a novice to Apache Camel and is looking for a way to direct output of a route to an AMQP.

I could write a routine to send to AMQP myself, but I am looking for advice how it be done using Camel .to() when declaring a route? It is difficult to find a complete example online.

what I need to do:

  1. configure an amqp route to send output (server credentials etc.)
  2. Make sure that route is accessible as I want to handle miscofiguration.
  3. I need to send a JSON. Do I have to marshal my POJO to json as string, or can I use some autoconversion?

All that I would like to do without involving XML configurations, but based on annotations or code.


  • Here is an example of how to do it:

            .setHeader("rabbitmq.ROUTING_KEY", constant("SOMEROUTINGKEY"))
            .setHeader("timestamp", constant(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())))

    Add or remove parameters to suit your need.