I have below setup and I want to find and move files.
I have files /home/backup/abc/123.wav
and /home/backup/xyz/456.wav
Same directories exist at /usr/src/abc
and /usr/src/xyz
which does not have any files.
I want to find .wav files from home_dir and move them to particular dest_dir.
So 123.wav should move to /usr/src/abc and 456.wav should move to /usr/src/xyz. I am using below command for that.
cd $home_dir && find . -iname "*.wav" -exec mv {} $dest_dir \;
But all the .wav files(123.wav and 456.wav) moved to /usr/src and not to its respective directories(/usr/src/abc and /usr/src/xyz).
Is it possible to achieve what I want ? Please suggest.
Use cp --parents
option with find
to create parent directories of each file being copied:
cd "$home_dir"
find . -iname "*.wav" -exec cp --parents {} "$dest_dir" \; -delete