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How to access button in excel sheet using c#

In my application, I need to work on Excel sheet and the Excel sheet has a button. Whenever I click the button in the Excel sheet, it will execute some calculation at back.So I want to access the button in the Excel sheet using some C# code.

I tried to search in google, but was not able to find anything. Please, guide me.


  • Here is a code same from the msdn blog:

    In a nutshell - add the reference: using System.Reflection;, which contains the definition for Connect class. Then add the following member to the connect class - private CommandBarButton MyButton;

    Implementation of the code for the members of IDTExtensibility2 in the Connect class, as follows (this is code from

    public void OnConnection(object application, Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref System.Array custom) {
       applicationObject = application;
       addInInstance = addInInst;
       if(connectMode != Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_Startup)
          OnStartupComplete(ref custom);
    public void OnDisconnection(Extensibility.ext_DisconnectMode disconnectMode, ref System.Array custom) {
       if(disconnectMode != Extensibility.ext_DisconnectMode.ext_dm_HostShutdown)
          OnBeginShutdown(ref custom);
       applicationObject = null;
    public void OnAddInsUpdate(ref System.Array custom)
    public void OnStartupComplete(ref System.Array custom)
       CommandBars oCommandBars;
       CommandBar oStandardBar;
       oCommandBars = (CommandBars)applicationObject.GetType().InvokeMember("CommandBars", BindingFlags.GetProperty , null, applicationObject ,null);
       // Outlook has the CommandBars collection on the Explorer object.
       object oActiveExplorer;
       oActiveExplorer= applicationObject.GetType().InvokeMember("ActiveExplorer",BindingFlags.GetProperty,null,applicationObject,null);
       oCommandBars= (CommandBars)oActiveExplorer.GetType().InvokeMember("CommandBars",BindingFlags.GetProperty,null,oActiveExplorer,null);
       // Set up a custom button on the "Standard" commandbar.
       oStandardBar = oCommandBars["Standard"];        
       // Access names its main toolbar Database.
       oStandardBar = oCommandBars["Database"];      
       // In case the button was not deleted, use the exiting one.
       MyButton = (CommandBarButton)oStandardBar.Controls["My Custom Button"];
          object omissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value ;
          MyButton = (CommandBarButton) oStandardBar.Controls.Add(1, omissing , omissing , omissing , omissing);
          MyButton.Caption = "My Custom Button";
          MyButton.Style = MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonCaption;
       // The following items are optional, but recommended. 
       //The Tag property lets you quickly find the control 
       //and helps MSO keep track of it when more than
       //one application window is visible. The property is required
       //by some Office applications and should be provided.
       MyButton.Tag = "My Custom Button";
       // The OnAction property is optional but recommended. 
       //It should be set to the ProgID of the add-in, so that if
       //the add-in is not loaded when a user presses the button,
       //MSO loads the add-in automatically and then raises
       //the Click event for the add-in to handle. 
       MyButton.OnAction = "!<MyCOMAddin.Connect>";
       MyButton.Visible = true;
       MyButton.Click += new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(this.MyButton_Click);
       object oName = applicationObject.GetType().InvokeMember("Name",BindingFlags.GetProperty,null,applicationObject,null);
       // Display a simple message to show which application you started in.
       System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This Addin is loaded by " + oName.ToString()   , "MyCOMAddin");
       oStandardBar = null;
       oCommandBars = null;
    public void OnBeginShutdown(ref System.Array custom)
       object omissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value ;
       System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("MyCOMAddin Add-in is unloading.");
       MyButton = null;
    private void MyButton_Click(CommandBarButton cmdBarbutton,ref bool cancel) {
       System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("MyButton was Clicked","MyCOMAddin"); }