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MIPS - Having trouble with subroutines

I'm working on a lab in class and I completely understand the concepts here, but I'm thinking I made a small error somewhere, most likely in the second subroutine. I'm having a hard time debugging this and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Also, to be clear, it compiles and accepts inputs correctly, it has something to do with my calculation. It outputs the wrong amount of total cost. Thanks!

Directions & Sample Output:

Write a program for a grocery store to calculate the total charge for customers.

In the main:

Your program should ask customer the number of items that he/she is purchasing and it should check to see it is less than or equal to 20 items , then your program should pass than number to FillPriceArray subroutine and call FillPriceArray subroutine.

FillPriceArray subroutine fills the array, accumulate the prices and return the sum to main.

In the main you get the number of coupons form user (it should be the same as the number of items) and pass the coupon number to FillCouponArray sub and call FillCouponArray to fill the CouponArray.

FillCouponArray sub gets the coupon amount. The coupon should be less than item price and coupon should not be more than $10 if the coupon is more than item price or exceed $10 then you place 0 in the CouponArray for that coupon. Also the FillCouponArray sub accumulates the coupons and return it to main.

Finally your main program should calculate the total charge by subtracting the total price from total discount coupons and out put the total charge with a thank you message on the screen.

Sample Output:

Please enter the number of item you are purchasing(should be less than or equal to 20) 
Sorry too many items to purchase!! Please enter number of items you are purchasing

Please enter the price of item 1    
Please enter the price of item 2    
Please enter the price of item 3    

Please enter the number of coupons that you want to use.
Too many Coupons!! Please enter the number of coupons that you want to use.

Please enter the amount of coupon 1
This coupon is not acceptable
Please enter the amount of coupon 2

Please enter the amount of coupon 3
Your total charge is:     $30

Thank you for shopping with us.

My code so far:

str:    .asciiz "\n Please enter the number of items you are purchasing (should be less than or equal to 20): "
str1:   .asciiz "\n Sorry too many items to purchase! Please enter number of items you are purchasing"
str2:   .asciiz "\n Please enter the price of item "
str3:   .asciiz "\n Please enter the number of coupons that you want to use. "
str4:   .asciiz "\n Too many coupons! Please enter the number of coupons that you want to use."
str5:   .asciiz "\n Please enter the amount of coupon "
str6:   .asciiz "\n This coupon is not acceptable"
str7:   .asciiz "\n Your total charge is: $"
str8:   .asciiz "\n Thank you for shopping with us."
str9:   .asciiz ":\t"
priArr: .word 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
couArr: .word 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

main:       li $t1, 20          #input can't be greater than 20 items
            li $t2, 1           #item counter (starting at 1)
            li $t3, 0           #loop counter
            li $t5, 10          #laods 10 into t5
            la $s0, priArr          #loads address of Price Array to $s0
            la $s1, couArr          #loads address of Coupon Array to $s1

            li $v0, 4           #asks for input
            la $a0, str

            li $v0, 5           #load integer

            add $s3, $0, $v0        #adds input to $s3

            bgt $s3, $t1, error1        #if $s3 > $t1 --> error1

            add $a1, $s3, $0        #adds input to $a1 (limit)

            jal FillPriceArray      #jumps to subroutine to fill array with prices

            add $s2, $0, $v1        #adds price sum to s2


            la $s0, priArr          #points pointer to first location of arr1

            li $v0, 4           #asks for how many coupons
            la $a0, str3

            li $v0, 5           #loads integer into $v0

            bgt $v0, $s3, error2        #if input > limit, go to error

            add $t4, $v0, 0         #adds input to t4

            add $a3, $t4, $0        #adds input to a3

            jal FillCouponArray     #jumps to subroutine to fill array with coupon

            add $s5, $v1, $0        #adds coupon input to s5

            sub $t7, $s2, $s5       #subtracts price sum and coupons and puts it into t7

            li $v0, 4           #prints output
            la $a0, str7

            li $v0, 1           #prints dollar amount
            add $a0, $t7, $0

exit:       li $v0, 10

FillPriceArray:li $t0, 10           #adds limit($a1) to $t0
               li $t1, 1            #adds counter to $t1
               li $t2, 0            #adds loop counter to $t2
               add $t3, $a1, $0     #adds input to t3

        read:   beq $t3, $t2, end       #if $a1 (counter) = $t2 , return to the previous address in main

            li $v0, 4           #asks for price of item
            la $a0, str2

            li $v0, 1           #prints counter
            add $a0, $t1, $0

            li $v0, 4           #prints colon and tab
            la $a0, str9

            li $v0, 5           #loads integer into $v0

            sw $v0, 0($s0)          #stores the integer into array1

            add $t1, $t1, 1         #adds 1 to counter
            add $t2, $t2, 1         #adds 1 to loop counter
            add $s0, $s0, 4         #increments array
            add $t4, $t4, $v0       #adds number to sum

            j read

        end:add $v1, $t4, $0
            jr $ra

FillCouponArray:    li $t0, 10          #adds 10 into t0
                    li $t1, 1           #adds counter to $t1
                    li $t2, 0           #adds loop counter to $t2
                    add $t4, $a3, $0        #adds coupon input to t4

        read1:  beq $t4, $t2, end1      #beg of loop

            lw $v0, 0($s0)          #stores word from price array into $v0 // might have to move outside loop

            add $t5, $0, $v0        #stores price into $t5

            li $v0, 4           #outputs please enter amount of coupon
            la $a0, str5

            li $v0, 1           #prints counter
            add $a0, $t1, $0

            li $v0, 4           #prints colon and tab
            la $a0, str9

            li $v0, 5           #loads integer into $v0

            add $t3, $v0, $0        #adds input to t3

            bgt $t3, $t0, error3        #if input is > 10, go to error

            bgt $t3, $t5, error3        #if input is > price number

            sw $t3, 0($s1)          #stores the integer into array1

            add $t3, $t3, $v0       #adds number to sum

       increment:   add $t1, $t1, 1         #adds 1 to counter
                    add $t2, $t2, 1         #adds 1 to loop counter
                    add $s0, $s0, 4         #increments array
                    add $s1, $s1, 4         #increments array 2

                    j read1

        end1:   add $v1, $t3, $0        #adds coupon sum to v2

                jr $ra                  #returns back to addresss

error1:     li $v0, 4           #outputs too many items to purchase
            la $a0, str1

            j main  

error2:     li $v0, 4           #outputs too many coupons
            la $a0, str4

            jr $ra

error3:     li $v0, 4           #outputs coupon is not acceptable
            la $a0, str6

            sw $0, 0($s1)

            j increment


  • The Failure

    So, the problem lies in FillCouponArray. There is some extraneous code in it which could be streamlined, but that's not the main problem. Your code is failing to keep a proper cumulative sum.

    Let's look at the last part:

    li $v0, 5               #loads integer into $v0
    add $t3, $v0, $0        #adds input to t3
    bgt $t3, $t0, error3    #if input is > 10, go to error
    bgt $t3, $t5, error3    #if input is > price number
    sw $t3, 0($s1)          #stores the integer into array1
    add $t3, $t3, $v0       #adds number to sum

    After reading the coupon value in, you store it in $v0. Then, you store it in $t3. That looks fine, at first. The two error checks are fine and dandy too. Saving it to the array is also normal.

    However, the last line is where it first breaks down. add $t3, $t3, $v0 equates to $t3 = $t3 + $v0. So, for an input of 9, if all checks pass, $t3 = 9 + 9 = 18. Not okay. Already your cumulative sum is double.

    But this is a two-stage failure. When the loops comes back to the next input, it does add $t3, $v0, $0 which is $t3 = $v0 + 0. You are now overwriting $t3 with the new input, destroying the cumulative summation.

    At the very end, what you will most likely see is your item total minus double your last coupon. Which you probably don't want.

    The Solution

    It's been 3 years since I've written MIPS, and since this is for an assignment, I would say the fastest way to make this work is to replace your cumulative sum tracker $t3 in add $t3, $t3, $v0 with another available register, and return that register.

    If you'd like to clean this up more, I'd suggest a few of changes:

    1. No need to move $v0 to $t3. You can just use $v0 to do your checks.

    2. Don't really need an array if you are doing a simply cum sum with the input.

    That's it. Hope it works.