as I can put a password on a zip file grails
package zip
class SampleZipController {
def index() { }
def downloadSampleZip() {
response.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'Attachment;Filename=""')
ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(response.outputStream);
def file1Entry = new ZipEntry('first_file.txt');
zip.write("This is the content of the first file".bytes);
def file2Entry = new ZipEntry('second_file.txt');
zip.write("This is the content of the second file".bytes);
The problem is that I put the setPassword property and does not create any zip file case 'm getting the wrong word reserved.
OK, here's the deal. The Java SDK does not provide password protection for zip files. ZipOutputStream.setPassword()
does not exist, nor does any other method to set a password.
What you can do is use a third-party library instead. Here's a Groovy script demonstrating how to password protect a ZIP file using Winzipaes:
import de.idyl.winzipaes.AesZipFileEncrypter
import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.AESEncrypterBC
def outputStream = new FileOutputStream('') /* Create an OutputStream */
def encrypter = new AesZipFileEncrypter(outputStream, new AESEncrypterBC())
def password = 'password'
encrypter.add('first_file.txt', new ByteArrayInputStream('This is the content of the first file'.bytes), password)
encrypter.add('second_file.txt', new ByteArrayInputStream('This is the content of the second file'.bytes), password)
As you can see the API is similar to the one you were using. Keep in mind this is a Groovy script without Grails, so ensure to add the Winzipaes dependency appropriately (don't use @Grab).
Note: The encryption algorithm is AES256, which is not supported by all ZIP clients. For example, on Mac OSX I had to install 7-zip to decrypt the file; the built-in ZIP tools did not work.
You can read more about password-protecting ZIP files here.