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Is using ASCII 10 inside a HL7 segment a valid way to represent a new line?

Placing an ASCII 10 (0A) character somewhere inside of a segment of an HL7 message to represent a new line character. Is this valid?

From what I can see it is recommend to use \X0D\ or \X0D0A\ to represent a new line character for plain text format HL7. Is using just the 0A ASCII character explicitly invalid HL7?


  • Linefeeds (0x0A) are not allowed in HL7 messages. If you edit messages with notepad, wordpad and many other text editors, they will convert carriage returns (0x0D) to CR/LF (0x0D 0x0A) and if you save, you now have a corrupt HL7 message. Avoid LFs (0x0A).