I was trying to automate rediff.com . I went from one page to other but when i came back i got staleException . I tried a lot but couldn't fix it. I am attaching the code snippet too. Any help would be appreciated.
@driver.get "http://shopping.rediff.com/?sc_cid=inhome_icon"
wait = Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(:timeout => 10) # seconds
element = wait.until { @driver.find_element(:xpath,".//*[@id='popular_cat']") }
[email protected]_element(:xpath,".//*[@id='popular_cat']")
end links=box.find_elements(:tag_name,"a")
puts "Total links are:#{links.size}"
links.each do |i|
puts "--------------------"
puts "Value of all links is:#{i.text}"
puts "Title of page is :#{@driver.title}"
@driver.get "http://shopping.rediff.com/?sc_cid=inhome_icon"
[email protected]_element(:xpath,".//*[@id='popular_cat']")
Every time you reload the page (because you are going to other page and then going back or because you simple reloaded the page) your references to the links 'links=box.find_elements(:tag_name,"a")' are lost.
I would suggest a few changes in order to workaround this (might not be the best solution)
links = box.find_elements(:tag_name,"a").size
links_counter = 0
while links_counter < links
box = @driver.find_element(:xpath,".//*[@id='popular_cat']")
current_link = box.find_elements(:tag_name,"a")[links_counter]
links_counter += 1
puts "--------------------"
puts "Value of all links is:#{current_link.text}"
puts "Title of page is :#{@driver.title}"
@driver.get "http://shopping.rediff.com/?sc_cid=inhome_icon"
I hope this helps you!
Best, Fernando