I can run an ubuntu
container successfully:
# docker run -it -d ubuntu
# docker ps
3aef6e642327 ubuntu "/bin/bash" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds condescending_sammet
But executing docker attach
# docker attach 3aef6e642327
Until I press any key, such as Enter
# docker attach 3aef6e642327
root@3aef6e642327:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
Why does docker attach
After reading the comments, I think I get the answers:
"docker attach" reuse the same tty, not open new tty.
(1) Executing the docker run
without daemon mode:
# docker run -it ubuntu
Everything is OK, then run ls
root@eb3c9d86d7a2:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
(2) Run docker run
in daemon mode:
# docker run -it -d ubuntu
Actually, the following should have been outputted to stdout from the running container:
So executing docker attach
seems to hang, but actually it is waiting for your input:
# docker attach 91262536f7c9
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
It does not really hang. As you can see in the comment below (You are running "/bin/bash
" as command) it seems to be expected behaviour when attaching.
If instead of enter
you would start typing a command, you would not see the extra empty prompt line. If you were to run
$ docker exec -it ubuntu <container-ID-or-name> bash
where <container-ID-or-name>
is the ID or name of the container after you run docker run -it -d ubuntu
(so 3aef6e642327 or condescending_sammet in your question) it would run a new command, thus not having this "stdout problem" of attaching to an existing one.
As far as I understand you attach to the running shell and just the stdin/stdout/stderr - depending on the options you pass along with the run command - will just show you whatever goes in/out from that moment. (Someone with a bit more in-depth knowledge hopefuly can explain this on a higher level).
As I wrote in my comment on your question, there are several people who have opened an issue on the docker github repo describing similar behaviour:
Since you mention shell, I assume you have a shell already running. attach doesn't start a new process, so what is the expected behavior of connecting to the in/out/err streams of a running process? I didn't think about this. Of course this is the expected behavior of attaching to a running shell, but is it desirable?
Would it be at all possible to flush stdout/stderr on docker attach thereby forcing the shell prompt to be printed or is it a bit more complex than that? That's what I personally would "expect" when attaching to an already running shell.
Feel free to close this issue if necessary, I just felt the need to document this and get some feedback.