After following instructions both online and in a couple of books, I am unsure of why this is happening. I have a feeling there is a missing setting, but here is the setup:
I am attempting to use the command:
ansible all -u $USER -m ping -vvvv
Obviously using the -vvvv for debugging, but not much output aside from the fact it says it's attempting to connect. I get the following error:
S4 | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.
S4 stands for switch 4, a Cisco switch I am attempting to automate configuration and show commands on. I know 100% the password I set in the host_vars file is correct, as it works when I use it from a standard SSH client.
Here are my non-default config settings in the ansible.cfg file:
hostfile = ./myhosts
timeout = 5
My myhosts file:
And my host_vars file for S4:
ansible_ssh_pass: password
My current version is 1.9.1, running on a Centos VM. I do have an ACL applied on the management interface of the switch, but it allows remote connections from this particular IP.
Please advise.
Since you are using ansible to automate commands in a Cisco switch, I guess you want to perform the SSH connection to the switch without been prompted for password or been requested to press [Y/N] to confirm the connection.
To do that I recommend to configure the Cisco IOS SSH Server on the switch to perform RSA-Based user authentication.
First of all you need to generate RSA key pair on your Linux box:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024
Note: You can use 2048 instead 1024 but consider that some IOS versions will accept maximum 254 characters for ssh public key.
At switch side:
conf t
ip ssh pubkey-chain
username test
Copy the entire public key as appears in the cat
including the ssh-rsa and username@hostname.
Please note that some IOS versions will accept
maximum 254 characters.
You can paste multiple lines.
If you need that 'test' user can execute privileged IOS commands:
username test privilege 15 secret _TEXT_CLEAR_PASSWORD_
Then, test your connection from your Linux box in order to add the switch to known_hosts file. This will only happen one time for each switch/host not found in the known_hosts file:
ssh test@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:d6:4b:d1:67.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Finally test the connection using ansible over SSH and raw module, for example:
ansible inventory -m raw -a "show env all" -u test
I hope you find it useful.