How would I write a custom key binding or plugin for HTML language that would add enter
after the tag?
Currently Sublime Text does this upon auto complete
I would like to have this
I hope you guys can help. Thanks in advance :)
These snippet-completions are hard coded in the HTML package.
I think the easiest way to archive this, is to write a simple plugin on your own. To do this open your User
folder (or an other subfolder of Packages) and create a python file (e.g.
Then open the python file and just paste the following code:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class HtmlCompleteTagCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
for sel in view.sel():
if not sel.empty(): continue
pos = sel.begin()
# check we are inside a tag
if view.substr(sublime.Region(pos-1, pos+1)) == "><":
# we have: <tag>|<tag/>
# insert \n< one position after the cursor
# => <tag>|<\n<tag/>
view.insert(edit, pos+1, "\n<")
# remove the char after the cursor
# => <tag>|\n<tag/>
view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(pos, pos+1), "")
# insert a newline and a tab at the cursor
# => <tag>\n\t|\n<tag/>
view.insert(edit, pos, "\n\t")
This will commit the completion and if inside a tag insert the newlines. The actions are a little bit weird, because we want the cursor to be at the desired position after inserting \n\t\n
To use the keybinding in html just add the following lines to your keymap:
{ "keys": ["tab"], "command": "html_complete_tag", "context":
{ "key": "auto_complete_visible" },
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html" }
If you confirm the autocompletion with enter
, then replace tab
by enter
or keep both keybindings.