I am trying to add an h2 under the h1 within the .entry-content div on the genesis framework.
I would like the code to output the following:
<header class="entry-header">
<h1 itemprop="headline" class="entry-title">Page Header Title</h1>
<h2>Page Sub Header Title</h2>
I believe I need an action hook of some kind but I'm not 100% sure to begin.
My next thought is how would I add the h2 content for each page? As each page will need to have a different h2. Will I need to create a custom field or call the h2's conditionally onto each page?
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks, William
One way to achieve this is to use the genesis_entry_header action. So, you could add the following to your functions.php to get a sub title
add_action('genesis_entry_header', 'handle_event_sub_title');
function handle_event_sub_title(){
global $post;
echo get_post_meta($post->ID,'sub_title')?sprintf('<h2>%s</h2>',get_post_meta($post->ID,'sub_title')):'';